learn social skills through

video games

Play to win in life

Visit A Free online Session

Fill the form above or tap the button below on a mobile phone:

As Featured In:

Our son has experienced a total self esteem increase. He is now comfortable in nearly all conversations and with sharing thoughts about himself and his life. He even has a girlfriend now!
— Lisa - Mother

Have you or someone you know felt unwelcome or unsafe while gaming online?

The Lightmare Studios Social Games Community is run by our very own veteran game development team and community managers, alongside support workers.

This gives participants a safer and engaging space for those living with a disability to connect and cooperate with like-minded gamers, through both playing and/or creating games together.

All costs can be covered in full by NDIS. We can support those living with a disability not yet on the NDIS to access government funding both for our social activities, and other life expenses.

Online Sessions

Participants log on with their PC, Xbox S/X or PS5, to play or create video games with other participants. They practice and refine social skills whilst doing something they love.

Credible Mentors

Lightmare has over 15 years of experience working with 1000+ digital enthusiasts living with a disability. Participants are mentored and supervised by industry veterans, support workers and psychologists.

Internationally Renowned

Lightmare has won international awards for both our video games and innovation in training. We live and breathe social games with our critically acclaimed "Infinity Wars" gaining over half a million players worldwide.

Thanks Lightmare, I have never heard my son talk so much like last Friday! It makes me happy. Thank you so much for your great work and effort!
— Brigitte - Mother

Discovery Session DETAILS

The Discovery Session is a specially structured free introductory session including both a regular session and also a brief overview of our “Lightmare Safe & Fun Socialisation Methodology” and time for questions.

Social Games Sessions are held completely online multiple times during the week. We use our own custom software and communication servers.

Our service delivery is second to none, thanks to being both a veteran game studio and training academy.

Across our 16+ years of operation, having met and collaborated with a number of fellow large, global Game Developers, we have naturally formed strong relationships across the worldwide games industry. This allows us access to many titles, even including limited early access to unreleased games.

We have partnered with entities like Star Trek (CBS), Swinburne University and various international game publishers. We have also won international awards from the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco and the Learning Impact Awards for Innovation in Training in the United States.

Participants don't just join a social games community, they join a worldwide games company embedded in an industry where ~25% of employees have some form of disability. An industry where they truly belong.

For participants wanting to socially play video games, a PC, Mac, Xbox X/S, Nintendo Switch, PS5 or iPAD/Tablet is required. This is subject to minimum specs.

For participants wanting to socially create video games, a PC or Mac is required. This is subject to higher minimum specs.

For any questions related to the social game sessions, please email simon@lightmare.com.au or call Simon anytime on
0488 822 657.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to providing a much safer and more engaging online space for participants to connect and cooperate with fellow gamers and aspiring game developers living with a disability.

Do Any of the Following Apply to You?

  • Could benefit from meeting like-minded people through a safer online environment

  • Have a gaming addiction and could benefit from mitigation strategies and redirection towards social gaming

  • On the spectrum, looking for new and engaging activities and willing to be taught how to play meaningfully

  • Enjoy playing or creating video games

  • Want to enhance prospects of employment by improving communication and teamwork skills

  • Experience anxiety, depression or are vulnerable and needing extra care to connect with community

If you or someone you know fit into one or more of the above categories, then our social game sessions will likely make a major positive impact, and we’d love to chat with you.

I’ve never felt so understood before
— Connor - Participant

About Lightmare Studios

Lightmare Studios is a respected Australian institution in the game development, education and the broader disability sectors.

For over 16 years, we've given to and relied upon our global playerbase, industry alliances and veteran developers, to establish internationally award-winning interactive games and supportive offerings. Our games community sessions are a flagship example of this.

Visit A Free Discovery Session

This form is for any NDIS participants to express interest in attending a free online discovery session for the Lightmare NDIS Social Game Sessions. A discovery session involves getting set up for playing or creating games, and then participating in a free first session alongside existing participants.

This form can be filled on behalf of an NDIS participant by their Coordinator of Support, Parent or Guardian.

Fill the form above or tap the button below on a mobile phone:

The social gaming sessions, even though they seem counterintuitive to my thoughts on reducing screentime, have given my son a feeling that he belongs to a community of friends who have a common interest in Minecraft.

He is also becoming better at communicating whilst he is playing the game, both about the game and joining in other conversations.
— Participant Mother