Revelations Physical Goods
Hey backers - here’s your catalogue of what’s available for the Revelations campaign’s Physical Goods. Let us know via DMs what you’re looking for specifically, and we’ll get things made and shipped out soon.
1 - Calamity 1
Nobody knew how devastating the consequences of one man’s love would truly be, and as their world was torn apart, all these two could do was hold each other, and pray.
2 - Calamity 2
The destruction from the ritual meant to grant immortality was incomprehensible - the magic destroyed the world, and then split the world into infinite copies of itself, creating the multiverse.
3 - Kali, Ascended
The gift of ascension was not wasted on one of the Flame Dawn’s most brave, and ferocious fighters. Kali graced the skies with her flaming blade, bringing slaughter to her enemies.
4 - Hinekri
The Princess of the Exiles, Hinekri was passionate about causing chaos and spreading corruption. Looking upon clean worlds filled her with excitement to chase her desires.
5 - Kyrallic
The city of the dead. It’s eerie to imagine that this city used to be a bustling capital of people, technology and innovation. Now, the sleepers of Avarrach walk the streets, wading through toxic sludge, sharing a communal tomb.
6 - Lanstead
The City of Innovation let out a humble blue glow as scientists worked to improve on their own creations, never accepting reality for what it is, and seeking to learn from what is to create what can be.
7 - Oppression of Sol
With the worlds in danger, none of the Oligarchy of Champions had the strength to make the necessary call. None, but Sol. He would become the villain, and the hero, in a single decision.
8 - Pras, Flame of Vengeance
Despite his drive, his gifts, his strength - Pras was rejected teachings countless times by every sect of the Cult of Verore. He’s worked harder than anyone to achieve power - and now that he has it, he has a score to settle.
9 - Veroria’s Keep
The fortress of the Cult of Verore was the closest thing they had to a base. It was rife with magical energies, and eminated an aura of fear and dread to all who approached it’s large gates.
10 - Sydern
The leader of the Vulpine tribe of the Warpath, he was a fierce fighter, hunter, and protector. When the worlds changed, and the rifts opened, Sydern’s bravery inspired the Warpath to defend their lands.
1 - Jin Hai
Descendants of the Dragons care for their land, and their inhabitants. Their mountain homes provide safety from the cruel, desolate wasteland the Cult of Verore has created in Reish.
2 - Lanstead
Genesis Industries constantly pushed forward with their technological innovations, and the people of their nation were greatful for their advances, each bringing new quality of life.
3 - Kyrallic
Sleepers of Avarrach would call this home, if the concept of home was one they were still able to tangibly grasp. Wandering the city streets felt unfamiliar, but it was all they had left to do.
4 - Veroria
Cultists of Verore flocked and commune to the keep, to learn and share their techniques with one another. The constant expenditure of magical energies caused cold rain at almost all times.
5 - The Old World
The Warpath called the beautiful nature and serene landscapes of The Old World home, and for generations had cultivated tribes, communities, and life itself to their home.