The first new IW mode in 10 years! - #2
Greetings Rift Runners,
We're proud to announce a brand new, limited availability mode for Infinity Wars releasing to you this coming weekend!
This will also be releasing at the same time as our first new Community Mini Set focused on the Sleepers.
To find out more about them and learn how to get their extremely rare Platinum versions only availble before this weekend, check out details below!
New "Events" Mode
It's our take on a “Mutator” mode (e.g. Tavern Brawl in that one card game from Blizzard,) and will change each and every week.
Only available for 12 hours during Sanctuary Socials, and starting during the times below, this mode will bring heaps of gameplay changing variety to Infinity Wars!
The first one of these is called "Sleepers Civil War" and will involve both players getting a free Endless Horde in their support zones each and every turn. This will synergise heavily with some of the cards in the Community Set below.
Community Mini Set
Our first in a line of constant new monthly content, we're releasing 5 card mini sets, all designed with and for our players! This first pack is focused on giving some well overdue love to the Sleepers of Avarrach faction, which due to their once thought extinction (greatly exaggerated,) have the least amount of cards of any IW faction.
Oh, what are these?
What’s this terrifying scenario?
-Violent Awakening
-Looming Resurrection
-Power-Starved Revenant
-Abandon All Hope
-Endless Legion
Patreon Revamp
To line up more with our monthly release of new mini sets rather than regular Kickstarters, we've revamped our Patreon page to give an incredible amount of value to our amazing fans.
You now get Platinum playsets of the monthly Community sets at each of the tiers for being a member prior to the set's release:
1x at Bronze
3x at Silver
9x at Gold
This is on top of all the previous rewards we've been giving before, so this is the best time to both support the game, and get a huge amount of value.
Later this week we’ll have a full update on the Community Mini Set with a full reveal. Make sure to come back for Blog #3 for the full scoop!