Infinity Sandbox

NFT Drop 1: 9th of April 2022

  • Infinity Sandbox is the collaboration between Sandbox and Lightmare Studios, to bring a hybrid MOBA-Card Game experience to their leading metaverse platform.

  • Lightmare is an Australian Game Development Studio of over 14 years with a key focus on Card Games and MOBA games. Alongside the Infinity Sandbox project, the team are currently working on a remaster of their original cult hit from 2014, Infinity Wars. This established rich story and lore will continue to be explored through Infinity Sandbox.

  • With the Sandbox Metaverse opening up new opportunities and worlds to create and explore, we’re now developing a unique experience particularly appealing to Card Game and MOBA enthusiasts, all in the charmingly familiar Voxelised style Sandbox members know and love.

  • Infinity Sandbox’s Values guide our decison making process on a day to day basis within the project. To understand our company’s broader values, click here.

    Utility - The best NFT projects are those that have real utility for their NFTs, and value beyond the simple notion of “ownership”. All Infinity Sandbox NFTs will be usable as cards to play with in Infinity Sandbox and within the greater Sandbox Metaverse.

    Innovation - Working with emerging blockchain technology, and combining that with a hybrid-style game that’s equal parts card game and MOBA has us breaking new ground in the name of unique experiences.

    Glory - Winning feels good, but the level one competes with to attain victory is paramount to their sense of Glory. By creating strategically deep and engaging games, it’s on you to earn and own that glory.

Stay in the Know

Want to stay informed of game development progress and upcoming NFT drops? Well, we got you covered. All our biggest news and discussions will be happening and announced on Twitter, and our team will be available to discuss all things upcoming in Infinity Sandbox over on our Discord server.


Alternatively, if you don’t use either, you can sign up to our mailing list by inputting your email address here. Emails will be infrequent, but should be enough to keep you informed.

What you can expect

  • An engaging hybrid MOBA and Card Game Sandbox Gameplay experience

  • Quality player avatars of iconic Infinity Wars Characters

  • Beautifully stylized NFT drops

  • Social media giveaways

  • Exclusive drops / White-listing for Discord Community

  • Real value and utility of your NFTs

NFT Drop 1: 9th of April 2022

The first drop of Infinity Sandbox will include several cards and avatars from the Genesis Industries and Flame Dawn factions.

The Flame Dawn are glory-driven warriors, whose bloodlust and fury has led to them conquering the majority of their world, Talich. Led by Aberion, the Hammer of Dawn, the Flame Dawn captured, imprisoned or conscripted anyone left alive from their battles, as their homes are razed, and burned to the ground.

Genesis Industries are the tech capital of Talich, whose mastery of drones and machinery have made them a military powerhouse, as well as industrious. Currently led by the AI known as OmniMind, Genesis Industries relies on its mechs and robots to keep its people safe.

We’ll be announcing the number of NFTs and content in February 2022.