Limited places remain in our upcoming industry placement blocks.

Extra blocks can be created upon request for those with 5+ participants

Lightmare Studios disability
industry placement

If you are an Australian living with a disability, and curious about a future in the Gaming and assorted Digital Industries, we would like to hear from you.

our disability industry placement programs are for job readiness and helping those living with a disability turn their existing passion into a career.

Lightmare Studios gave me the opportunity to bring my art to life. My artistic abilities could barely stretch beyond paper and canvas, but through their teaching, I learnt how to model and more about the digital art industry. With the rapid growth in technology in our daily lives, I believe this step is perfect for those who wish to express their creativity practically.
— Grace De Felice

With Lightmare Studios disability industry placement, participants (attending remotely online from home) tune in directly with supervising members of our Development Team to take a look at a select number of digital disciplines based on current workplace projects including:

  • 2D and 3D Art

  • Game Design

  • AI Art & Design

  • Storytelling & Worldbuilding

  • Quality Assurance

This is delivered from 10:30am to 3:30pm on each of 4 days, totalling 20hrs.

We have received glowing reports from students and parents alike about the curated experience and we hope to help you realise your options from inside the industries themselves.

Expression of Interest Form

This form is for anyone living with a disability to express interest in attending an upcoming 20hr industry placement block.

This form can be filled on behalf of a student by their Employment Services Coordinator, NDIS Coordinator of Support, Parent or Guardian.

Please note, if we are at capacity for this upcoming block, you’ll be offered a placement in our next available industry placemet block.

Link to Lightmare Personal Information Protection Statement

Infinity Wars Art by a Previous Participant

I have never known how much work and time it takes to create a character. From the style and personality of the character, to making a 3D model, I had never realised it would be so fun and challenging.

After experiencing the course with Lightmare Studios, it has not only opened my eyes but a pathway to a new industry for me.
— Breanna Sweeney; Freelance artist and 3D modeller.


Clarify student knowledge of contemporary digital tech industry offerings and how to confidently start now in aligning themselves with the skills required for their associated careers.